Sunday, January 22, 2012

Read ALL the blogs!

I used to enjoy Garfield and Archie as a kid. As an adult, I am not a big reader of comics. About once every year or two, when I pick up a paper I will read the comics, but I don't really get much out of it. I haven't really seen much in graphic novels or the like. I am definitely a visual person, but in the case of comics, it seems to go to slow for me, and I get bored. Well, I'm here to tell ya that I found some "comics" that I love, and they are found on two blogs. My oldest daughter and I spent some time over the weekend looking at these blogs and I would love to share my favourite entries with you.

Disclaimer: One thing I don't enjoy about these blogs is that they have some profanity. The blogs are funny enough that I am willing to suffer through it for the laugh, but sadly, the profanity sometimes ruins the joke (for me anyway), because I am too busy making a face, like the one you have when you eat a lemon, to remember what I was reading about.

Blog: Hyperbole and a Half

post: dog

post: The Party

post: The A lot is Better Than you at Everything

Blog: Parenting. Illustrated with Crappy Pictures

I think you will get the most out of this blog if you have kids, but if you don't have any, it will still be amusing (my 17 year old daughter loves it).

post: I did these things as a kid (but my kids won't)

post: While mama was in the bathroom - episode 1
I love it when people are brutally honest about things that people never talk about. I guess that pretty much sums up why this blog is funny. She is not afraid to talk about ANYTHING!

post: public toilets vs. newly potty trained girls and boys

Enjoy! Remember laughter is the best medicine (says the girl who is just getting over her first cold in almost 2 years and spent good time in the last four days reading these blogs to get the biggest dose of "medicine" possible).