Thursday, March 20, 2008

Life Goes On…

There really is life after TV. Gasp! I used to watch two television shows faithfully:Grey’s Anatomy and Desperate Housewives (and then I added October Road this fall). I put up with the here and there episodes for a while, but before they stopped airing everything because of the writer’s strike, I had already stopped watching. There are so many more constructive ways to spend my time…like, uh…Facebook. Hee hee. Now that things are supposed to be getting back to normal, every once in a while I realize it is a “TV night” and check to see if “my show” is on, but so far…nada. I really don’t feel like checking anymore. Maybe I will spend the time doing something I have always wanted to do like learning Latin, or maybe I will just play alot more Scramble on Facebook...only time will tell.